Navajo Tacos {Rhodes dough recipe}

I grew up in a big family. And as we’ve grown up, we’ve also grown in numbers! There always seems to be a birthday, anniversary, or a holiday where I’m expected to feed 50 people… and serve something impressive too! Needless to say, I’m constantly looking for recipes that can feed a crowd quickly, without a ton of mess, and without breaking the bank. This recipe is PERFECT! It comes from my sister, who always serves Navajo Tacos at her parties. They are always so yummy, but they are quick and easy too!


Ingredients for Navajo Tacos

  • Frozen Roll Dough (1-2 per person)
  • Fry oil
  • Chili, canned or homemade
  • Toppings like cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, sour cream, olives, etc.

How to make Navajo Tacos

  1. Thaw Dough.

    Set frozen roll dough out to thaw.

  2. Preheat Oil.

    Heat fry oil to 350 degrees.

  3. Stretch and Shape Dough

  4. Fry Dough

  5. Top with toppings and serve

    Start with chili, then add whatever else you like. We like cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and sour cream.

Check out some of my other Recipes!

Garlic Parmesan Topped Rolls

Caramel Cinnamon Roll Bites

Twisted Pesto Breadsticks

Homemade Donuts


  1. I love this way of making scones for Navajo Tacos! And if you’re like me and forget to thaw out the dough for 4 hours before dinner, I put the frozen rolls in a ziploc bag and run it under hot water until it softens. The scones aren’t as thick as they would be had I thawed them, but they fry up just fine and still taste great!

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