Family Chore Chart (free printable)

I am so excited to share this family chore chart that has saved our family this summer!

family chore chart printable

I have tried every chore system known to man. I’ve done screentime tokens, sticker charts, and I’ve even had an adult version of a chore chart (spoiler alert: as an adult, I do not follow a sticker chore chart well. LOL)

Our sticker chart actually worked well for my kids for a long time. The problem was that it was very set in stone. So on Monday, if the chore chart said to do the dishes, my kids would expect that to be their chore. But sometimes the dishes didn’t need to be done on Monday. So we would always have to rearrange or add to the chore chart.

This was confusing to my kids, and honestly, with good reason. I wanted them to learn to help around the house, but I wanted a more fluid system, where I could pick what actually needed to be done each day, instead of being stuck doing the same things whether they needed to be done or not.

Our New Flexible Chore Chart System

family chore chart printable

Insert our new chore system. I’m not 100% sure this is the answer for all of our life’s problems. But we’ve been using it for a few weeks and I’ve been pleasantly surprised how well it’s working out. So, we are going to stick with this system this summer and see how it works out.

Download the blank chore chart here:
Blank Chore Chart
Download the filled in chore chart here:
Filled In Chore Chart

It’s pretty self explanatory, but basically, there are three sections to this chore chart. The daily chore section, labeled “everyday”, the laundry day section, and the choice of chores section, labeled “choose 3”

Daily Chores

family chore chart printable

The way this system works is that we all have specific things that are set in stone every day. Like brush your teeth and put on clean clothes (amazing how we have to write that out! Ha!!)… then once those daily things are done, each kid gets to pick 3 other things they want to do around the house.

Choice of Chores

family chore chart printable

This list of chores is not set in stone. I add to it, depending on what needs to be done. So if the dishes actually need to be done that day, I can add it to the list. Everyone gets to pick whichever three things interests them most, which I have found effective for a few reasons.

If the kids get to pick their tasks, they are more likely to have ownership over that thing, and they tend to do it well. I’ve also noticed that the kids like to get going on their tasks quickly. The way we have it worked out, the first person to get to the chore list gets to pick their chores first. So my early birds get a better chore selection.

We have also decided that you can only pick one chore at a time. My kids write their inital next to that chore, which indicates that they are working on that one. Then once that chore is finished, they come back and cross it off the list. Then they can pick their next chore. This helps them to get their chores done quicker, because they don’t want to be stuck with the bad chores at the end.

Laundry Day

family chore chart printable

We also have a set laundry day for each kid. We used to do laundry all on the same day, and it was just too hectic. Someone wouldn’t switch their laundry, and it would mess everyone up. So each day is now a different kid’s laundry day.

I like having rotating laundry days, because I am able to help the children that need help and I don’t feel overwhelmed with everyone’s laundry on one day.

You can choose if they still have to do other chores on their laundy day, or if that is their chore for that day. I count that as one of their chores, so if it’s their laundry day, they only have to choose two other chores instead of three.

Download Free Printable

chore chart that works

I have two versions of this printable available. One has the everyday chores filled in, and one has it left blank so you can add your own daily chores. Choose the one you want, and click the link to download.

Download the blank chore chart here:
Blank Chore Chart
Download the filled in chore chart here:
Filled In Chore Chart

Please use this chore chart however you’d like. But I ask that you do not reproduce, claim as your own, or sell this digital download.

One Comment

  1. This is awesome! Thank you so much. I needed this. And until this moment I didn’t know just how much I needed this. So thank you so much.

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